Well it's finally going to be looking a lot like Christmas this week. 3 days of snow in the forecast with above seasonal temps should allow some of the birds to come out and play that have been avoiding my yard like crazy.
The occasional starling has made an appearance...and used the bird bath no less...got my windows filthy. I've inadvertently scared off a woodpecker when I went out to fill up the feeders on a different day. So while I haven't seen a bluejay I have had glimpses of something else.
Yesterday in the neighbours tree about 3 houses down I saw a chickadee...they're getting close! I just have to figure out a way for them to come here! I don't think it'll happen in the back feeding area...the house sparrows have taken that area over completely.
Maybe I should put out another feeder somewhere...maybe the front? But then I fear that the sparrows would take over that as well. SIGH. Ah well I shall sit and enjoy some of this Christmas wonderland I woke up to this morning. Hors Frost EVERYWHERE!
I'm contemplating heading out to get some pictures, but really when you have one...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Chickadees and Nuthatchs
Monday, December 14, 2009
December 14th, -40'C and the Bald Eagle's still here
Well the title of this post pretty much sums it up. It's almost the middle of december and the the temperature's dropped to - 40'C with the windchill and the Bald Eagle is _still_ here. On the drive to the mall I spotted the eagle cruising the fields looking for a snack. It's just crazy how migration's been so delayed this year.
Most of the birds that take off in October were still here up until 3 days ago...that's almost a 2 month delay!! I haven't seen the Starlings, Bluejays or the woodpeckers since the icewave hit...maybe they'll show up once it warms a bit...or maybe they're just done for the year.
Either way it's been a great year for birds...the heated bird bath seems to be confusing them a bit...there were actually sparrows bathing this morning! The dust bathing has continued as there's not much snow to speak of...the quarter down on the patio seems to be the favourite spot...and that's about it!
Most of the birds that take off in October were still here up until 3 days ago...that's almost a 2 month delay!! I haven't seen the Starlings, Bluejays or the woodpeckers since the icewave hit...maybe they'll show up once it warms a bit...or maybe they're just done for the year.
Either way it's been a great year for birds...the heated bird bath seems to be confusing them a bit...there were actually sparrows bathing this morning! The dust bathing has continued as there's not much snow to speak of...the quarter down on the patio seems to be the favourite spot...and that's about it!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
A flock of starlings

They seem to have taken great pleasure in the heated bird bath and the suet. The bluejays are still making an occasional appearance as well as the woodpeckers (hairy), so I'm pretty much in a holding pattern.
The other day on my morning walk I noticed that the chickadees were extremely active and busy. It was such a lovely serenade...I stopped to watch them play in the trees (much to my puppy's dismay). I wish they would make their way over to my yard, but my guess is until the trees get bigger that's not going to happen as the house sparrows chase everybody away :(
The seed is running low so the birds are mainly on clean up duty these days...we've just gotten out first dusting of snow yesterday so I'm hoping they'll clean up the yard a bit!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The sparrows are water bathing...and it's November 28th
What a crazy day!
My hubbie pointed out to me yesterday that the house sparrows were full on bathing in the birdbath...not just one...but 5! I've never seen that many in at one time and the fact that there was another dozen waiting in the wings made it a sight to see.
I first thought it was raining as the patio doors were totally speckled with water and the top step was soaked...upon seeing the large group bathing I realized it was just them making a huge mess!! It was hilarious!
This morning however I woke up to a dusting of snow everywhere so that probably won't happen again...unless it all melts today!
I just can't get over the fact that they were water bathing and it was almost December! This weather we're having is crazy!! Almost December and there's no snow?!? Birds water bathing? In Winnipeg??? LOVE it!!
My hubbie pointed out to me yesterday that the house sparrows were full on bathing in the birdbath...not just one...but 5! I've never seen that many in at one time and the fact that there was another dozen waiting in the wings made it a sight to see.
I first thought it was raining as the patio doors were totally speckled with water and the top step was soaked...upon seeing the large group bathing I realized it was just them making a huge mess!! It was hilarious!
This morning however I woke up to a dusting of snow everywhere so that probably won't happen again...unless it all melts today!
I just can't get over the fact that they were water bathing and it was almost December! This weather we're having is crazy!! Almost December and there's no snow?!? Birds water bathing? In Winnipeg??? LOVE it!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Bald Eagle pair spotted
On the weekend I happened to be out walking my dog when I looked up and over our lake that's in the centre of the development there were 2 bald eagles cruising looking for some breakfast! The wings span caught my attention, then the white underpinning and then the white head confirmed it.
I was so excited that they're still hanging around! I haven't seen them like I did last year so they're hanging out farther away this year (last year they were about 1/4 km down the road from my house in an open field.
Hopefully I'll spot them again on a day when I have my camera ready but we'll have to wait and see!
I was so excited that they're still hanging around! I haven't seen them like I did last year so they're hanging out farther away this year (last year they were about 1/4 km down the road from my house in an open field.
Hopefully I'll spot them again on a day when I have my camera ready but we'll have to wait and see!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Dull, Dull, Dull
If there's a time of the year I hate it's now. So spoiled from all of the birds seen for the last 6 months, now it seems so slow and boring. I've taken hundreds of picture of bluejays and almost equally as many of the woodpeckers.
At least once the snow hits it's not too bad but we're in the middle of a heatwave here. Almost the end of November and the daytime temp is +10? Ridiculous!
I know I won't really have any new sightings this winter but I still have hope. Our neighbours cut down the tree's in their yard this summer so now the hope of the tall maturish tree's drawing them in is obsolete.
What I wouldn't give for them to put in an evergreen tree!
Don't get me wrong I love the warmer weather..norms for this year are about -10...last year we were at -30 at this time...so I'm really happy that winter is waiting to show up...ironic since we had snow for Thanksgiving weekend.
The birds don't seem to mind it either. I've had to be vigilant about cleaning up the seed off the ground though, since the Raccoon encounter but all in all nothing challenging about that. Still no chickadees or nuthatches...on this side of the development anyways. I heard the nuthatches on our afternoon walk yesterday...I guess they too shall come in time.
All in all...very boring around here.
At least once the snow hits it's not too bad but we're in the middle of a heatwave here. Almost the end of November and the daytime temp is +10? Ridiculous!
I know I won't really have any new sightings this winter but I still have hope. Our neighbours cut down the tree's in their yard this summer so now the hope of the tall maturish tree's drawing them in is obsolete.
What I wouldn't give for them to put in an evergreen tree!
Don't get me wrong I love the warmer weather..norms for this year are about -10...last year we were at -30 at this time...so I'm really happy that winter is waiting to show up...ironic since we had snow for Thanksgiving weekend.
The birds don't seem to mind it either. I've had to be vigilant about cleaning up the seed off the ground though, since the Raccoon encounter but all in all nothing challenging about that. Still no chickadees or nuthatches...on this side of the development anyways. I heard the nuthatches on our afternoon walk yesterday...I guess they too shall come in time.
All in all...very boring around here.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Swallowing whole peanuts whole
Friday, November 13, 2009
Chastised by a hairy woodpecker
What a gorgeous day today. I can't believe it's November! A funny note...after returning from running errands (most of which involved picking up various bird fare) I decided To refill the very depleted feeders.
So i refilled all of the regular feeders and noticed that the suet plug feeder was almost empty so I decided to fill it up! When I was about 1/2 way through I heard the undeniable call of a woodpecker. I looked up and there he was sitting on the fence looking at me, screeching all the while. It became very apparent that he was ticked that I was in the yard.
I told him to hold on, I was refilling it. He moved to the neighbours tree at that comment, where he watched me warily until I went inside. As soon as I was in he was on the feeder. I felt thoroughly chastised ;)
Still have woodpeckers, bluejays and house sparrows...no chickadees yet!
So i refilled all of the regular feeders and noticed that the suet plug feeder was almost empty so I decided to fill it up! When I was about 1/2 way through I heard the undeniable call of a woodpecker. I looked up and there he was sitting on the fence looking at me, screeching all the while. It became very apparent that he was ticked that I was in the yard.
I told him to hold on, I was refilling it. He moved to the neighbours tree at that comment, where he watched me warily until I went inside. As soon as I was in he was on the feeder. I felt thoroughly chastised ;)
Still have woodpeckers, bluejays and house sparrows...no chickadees yet!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Asks for breakfast
I can't explain how funny bluejays are to me. This morning while sitting with windows open, enjoying this heat wave (13'C) we're having in NOVEMBER I heard the bluejay. Not just you're normal demanding cry, but the all out, very loud, repetitive screech. It went on for about 3 minutes before I decided to investigate...in my head I thought he almost sounded pissed off.
So off to the back door I go all the while I hear him screeching over and over again. When I got too the back door I see him sitting on top of the feeding station looking directly at the house screeching over and over again. I could see that there were no peanuts left in the feeder, so I grabbed a handful and went outside.
The bluejay flew to the roof of the house and watched me add the peanuts and then once I was safely back inside immediately flew down and started packing them in again. Hilarious! I swear he was yelling at me giving me crap that there were no nuts in the feeder. Such personality!
So off to the back door I go all the while I hear him screeching over and over again. When I got too the back door I see him sitting on top of the feeding station looking directly at the house screeching over and over again. I could see that there were no peanuts left in the feeder, so I grabbed a handful and went outside.
The bluejay flew to the roof of the house and watched me add the peanuts and then once I was safely back inside immediately flew down and started packing them in again. Hilarious! I swear he was yelling at me giving me crap that there were no nuts in the feeder. Such personality!
Friday, November 6, 2009
The blue Jay gets up close and personal
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A Birdtastic Morning

I would watch them stalk each other and kick each other off when one would land on a feeder. Very much the case of if I don't want it but you can't have it either. Hilarious!

Eventually the bluejay flew over to my new feeding station and packed in the peanuts..Yay!

The Hairy woodpecker! My morning was complete! I love it when this kind of day happens right from the get go. At a time when the darkness seems to arrive quicker, and that means that I can't watch them during the dinner hour (since the time change), this was a much needed boost! Hopefully this is a sign of things to come!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Home Made feeding station

So this past weekend I finally decided to embark on my feeding station project that I ave been toying with for the past few months. It all started with me seeing one that looked almost exactly like this one in my local bird store for about $80.00. When I looked at it I realized that I had most of what was required already at home in my scrap lumber pile!
So I cut, screwed and nailed away until the above was the final result! I'm pretty pleased by how it turned out...it took about 2 hours before it saw it's first customer but once the birds decided it was safe there were no holds barred!
The only downside is I think I need to make it taller...or rather find something taller for it to sit on...The Dog already thinks the peanuts are self serve...I can't imagine what the raccoon will think when he makes his way back here.
The starlings are still here...playing and snacking away...still no chicks :(
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Starlings find the feeders

The speckled beauties have been devouring the suet like crazy...the cranberry is by far the favourite with the peanut butter coming in second!
These guys are brave and interesting to watch. When something makes the sparrows all scatter, they just get thin and hunker down and pan the yard looking for the threat. It's been a learning experience. I'm loving that they are the new bluejay.
I haven't noticed many woodpeckers or bluejays over the last couple of days but that's not really a surprise. Usually as soon as I complain about it the Jays show up, but I think that the recent cold weather had made many of the birds head for warmer ground. Ah well that's to be expected...Still no nuthatches or chickadees :(
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Well It's Halloween today and this if this past week is any indicator I may be down to just house sparrows and juncos now. It's been a depressing wet week here...people are ready to rip your face off for even the tiniest indiscretion.
Even I'm not looking forward to the snow arriving...the tease we had at Thanksgiving did nothing but make me realize the snow can hold off for a while. However the forecast this week makes me think that the snow is definitely on the horizon...soon we shall be knee deep...so I guess I better get a move on and finish my covered feeding station. I haven't even started it yet, but maybe tomorrow. I usually finish putting up all of the lights etc for Christmas so I'm not freezing my butt off but with a forecast for rain/snow maybe I'll stay in.
I haven't seen a bluejay for about 3 days now and the peanuts are still in the feeder...although I did have a ginormous raccoon here earlier this week. Dirty bugger! I knew all those branches weren't breaking on their own! Ah well such as life I guess! We shall see if any other birds show up!
Even I'm not looking forward to the snow arriving...the tease we had at Thanksgiving did nothing but make me realize the snow can hold off for a while. However the forecast this week makes me think that the snow is definitely on the horizon...soon we shall be knee deep...so I guess I better get a move on and finish my covered feeding station. I haven't even started it yet, but maybe tomorrow. I usually finish putting up all of the lights etc for Christmas so I'm not freezing my butt off but with a forecast for rain/snow maybe I'll stay in.
I haven't seen a bluejay for about 3 days now and the peanuts are still in the feeder...although I did have a ginormous raccoon here earlier this week. Dirty bugger! I knew all those branches weren't breaking on their own! Ah well such as life I guess! We shall see if any other birds show up!
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Bald Eagle has returned!!!!!!
While having coffee this morning I noticed that there was a Bald eagle cruising the field behind our house! I can't believe that I ID'd it from the wing span and gliding pattern....I'm quite pleased with myself (i was also watching tv at the time).
I've wondered if they would return this year. Last fall we had a pair that hung around for about a week...it was so cool, you'd see them glide over the house searching for dinner. I love those birds!
I'm keeping my eyes open!!
I've wondered if they would return this year. Last fall we had a pair that hung around for about a week...it was so cool, you'd see them glide over the house searching for dinner. I love those birds!
I'm keeping my eyes open!!
The leaves have fallen...
Well the leaves have fallen this past weekend without any major colour shift and the bluejays, woodpeckers and juncos are all still here and pecking.
I can't believe the weather this year...I think we should be awarded medals if the snow really does arrive this weekend as they are predicting. The forecast for the week is rain, rain and more rain so I guess it shall be a wet week in birdville.
As I sat yesterday doing a puzzle with my mom I realized that the birds have become bolder. The bluejays ventured to the platform feeder just outside the door (enabling a great view) the peanuts are going down quick and it looks like I shall have to buy more yet again!
The magpies also showed up and tried to eat the suet out of the woodpecker suet plug feeder...hilarious to see...they couldn't manage to get anything at all. Thank god. I can't have them scaring off the downys too!! Those poor little birds wouldn't have a chance against those bullies!!
I know I'm being greedy but I really keep thinking that I'm going to get a grosbeak in my yard soon...sad I can't just aim for chickadees and nuthatches...rose breasted grosbeaks please! Ah well if you don't aim high you're just settling for what come your way right?
Whatever...this winter feels like it's going to be a killer...I hope to god I'm wrong.
I can't believe the weather this year...I think we should be awarded medals if the snow really does arrive this weekend as they are predicting. The forecast for the week is rain, rain and more rain so I guess it shall be a wet week in birdville.
As I sat yesterday doing a puzzle with my mom I realized that the birds have become bolder. The bluejays ventured to the platform feeder just outside the door (enabling a great view) the peanuts are going down quick and it looks like I shall have to buy more yet again!
The magpies also showed up and tried to eat the suet out of the woodpecker suet plug feeder...hilarious to see...they couldn't manage to get anything at all. Thank god. I can't have them scaring off the downys too!! Those poor little birds wouldn't have a chance against those bullies!!
I know I'm being greedy but I really keep thinking that I'm going to get a grosbeak in my yard soon...sad I can't just aim for chickadees and nuthatches...rose breasted grosbeaks please! Ah well if you don't aim high you're just settling for what come your way right?
Whatever...this winter feels like it's going to be a killer...I hope to god I'm wrong.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Gathering Geese

The picture above the the lake in the center of our development at noon...by dusk there's about 5000 geese that pile in for the night. The poop is everywhere...the playground is useless now. The field behind my house usually has about 300 of them during the day...the mint ground across the road usually has thousands and thousands at any given time.
The Starlings arrive to play

Then this morning as I sat having morning coffee the flock of starlings that have been buzzing my yard for the last week decided to stop in and play. They hung out in the amur maple and took turns chasing each other through the yard. All in all it was entertaining as they glided and flew through the yard at top speed, avoiding the bushes, frames and fences that dot our small yard.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Downy sighted
Well what a snooze fest around here. The only thing to report is that a downy woodpecker showed up late yesterday to eat some suet. Sheesh. I guess this is just preparing me for winter...and the lack of bird activity. Not fair!
I'm thinking of building a covered feeding platform for the winter...It could look really nice and prepare me for building the birdhouse I want to build. I have as of yet been unable to find plans that meet my specifications for the birdhouse...everythings just soo tacky and HUGE.
I'm thinking of building a covered feeding platform for the winter...It could look really nice and prepare me for building the birdhouse I want to build. I have as of yet been unable to find plans that meet my specifications for the birdhouse...everythings just soo tacky and HUGE.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wow, talk about a boring couple of days! I think that fall migration may be officially done with as I haven't seen much in terms of a new and interesting bird my way as of late.
The starlings have been stalking my yard...they sit on the wire and preen and clean, but have never ventured closer than the back fence.
The sparrow flock is down to just house sparrows again...that's probably the way it will stay until spring.
Thank goodness my birdbath is heated...woke up to major frost this morning again.
The bluejays are still hiding pnuts.
The woodpeckers have not been see on our side of the development...how unfair I see them on walks with my dog but they're not where they would be most beloved :(
Well it's been an amazing bird year...now the challenge is to draw the chickadees & nuthatches to my yard for the winter.
Crap is it cold out these days.
The starlings have been stalking my yard...they sit on the wire and preen and clean, but have never ventured closer than the back fence.
The sparrow flock is down to just house sparrows again...that's probably the way it will stay until spring.
Thank goodness my birdbath is heated...woke up to major frost this morning again.
The bluejays are still hiding pnuts.
The woodpeckers have not been see on our side of the development...how unfair I see them on walks with my dog but they're not where they would be most beloved :(
Well it's been an amazing bird year...now the challenge is to draw the chickadees & nuthatches to my yard for the winter.
Crap is it cold out these days.
Friday, October 16, 2009
The blue Jay vs. the Magpie

It hilarious...the jays have a set routine...they sweep in land on the sunshade, hop down, eat nuts. When the Magpies there it interrupt the routine and the Jays seem almost lost...like, what do I? He's on my feeder? The odd Jay tries tries to kick the magpie off and scuffles ensue...needless to say the Jay doesn't win. But they puff themselves up and put the crest up and try to act bigger than they are...they really are gorgeous birds.
I put out almost 2 cups of peanuts this morning and I had to go out and add another cup as the feeder was empty. I know they're just hiding them, but they provide so much entertainment for us.
The cats have been attacking the windows whenever the Magpies fly in. Silly cats...those birds are as big as they are and would win in a show down. All in all an entertaining day; I sat outside to get the above picture in the freezing drizzle...Not a bad result but I really think I need to get a better zoom lens.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
No news is good news
Well there's not too much happening these days which I guess is a good thing. The random Harris and white throated sparrow is still mixed in with the house flock. The blue jays are packing it away...I've had to restock the peanuts twice a day.
I haven't seen the woodpeckers lately but I also haven't been watching since the snow hit...busy times.
The magpies and bluejays are still battling for the peanuts so I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. This weekend is supposed to be warm and sunny...you never know, they might actually be right!
I haven't seen the woodpeckers lately but I also haven't been watching since the snow hit...busy times.
The magpies and bluejays are still battling for the peanuts so I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. This weekend is supposed to be warm and sunny...you never know, they might actually be right!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Scruffy Blue Jay protects the feeder

So as usual the jay arrives and starts to pound back the peanuts when out of the blue a 2nd bluejay flies in and lands on the feeder bath as well! This was exciting for me as I've never had more than one at the feeder at the same time!

Then a 3rd slightly scruffier Jay flew in and got all poofy and staked out the feeder as "his" while the other 2 picked up peanuts off of the ground.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Mystery Warbler = The Orange Crowned Warbler

I was so disappointed when he went around the corner and I got nothing when all of a sudden what I thought was a common yellowthroat came up and landed on a plant support literally 2 feet away from the window!!

I couldn't believe my luck! So I snapped away taking about 2 dozen different shot before I got a little bit too enthusiastic and scared him off. In my head I figured no biggie, I already have a great yellow throat shot, but hey!
Something had been nagging at me while I took the pictures though...my mantra is treat it like you've never seen it before and get the "good" shot. But something still wasn't quite right.

Upon closer examination of the picture I took I realized right away that it wasn't the CYT...the white eye ring is NOT a trait of that particular breed. So I poured over my birdbook and I had about 3 or 4 different possibilities...but none of them I was 100% about. So I took to my birding sites and posted the picture and awaited the replies.
The Connecticut warbler, pine warbler, Canada warbler, yellow breasted chat were all possible ID's though the group, but again with the fall feathers coming in on all of the birds and the possibility of it being a juvenile just opened the possibilities wide up.

But after much discussion, I think we have a winner! The orange crowned warbler!! I googled images of juvenile orange crowned warblers and what came up looked the closest to this little fella...some of them were dead ringers so that is what I shall go with!
Mystery Solved!
The first snowfall of the season

The birds are plowing through the seed like crazy...almost like they know what's coming! They're determined little buggers though...there's even more snow on the feeders than pictures here now and they keep hopping and digging! Fun to see! I hope this doesn't mean that the Jay's etc. all take off!

The Junco! These little fellas have been increasing their appearances more and more, but it has helped sticking a feeding tray out front to minimize the runs ins with the sparrow mafia. Other than than there's nothing much to report! The snow keeps falling and the birds are starting to go into hiding!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Downy Woodpecker + Seed Cake

A Juvenile Harris Sparrow

Proof that the title of my last post has never been truer...this is a picture of the juvenile Harris sparrow that I spotted in the house sparrow flock yesterday. He really makes me smile as he stands out being larger and quirkier than the house sparrows. LOVE IT.
Today it's raining...as you can see from the picture and the sparrows are battling the 60km winds and pelting rain...which is starting to look more like sleet as it hits the windows.
A real cutie patootie!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Migration is never constant
So this morning has proven to be an interesting morning so far. The blue jays have been back steadily all morning scarfing down pnuts left and right...got some cool video. I'm really amazed by just how many nuts they can jam into their mouth at one time...kinda reminds me of a clown car.
I did notice this morning that a juvenile Harris sparrow was hopping through my yard hoping to score some tasty treats. I was impressed by the fact that the house sparrows didn't run him off. Maybe size does play a factor! I was pleased with myself for identifying him...the size and tail were the two big tip offs.
If there's one things that this horrible year has shown me it's that when you slow down and pay attention to what goes on around you, the rewards are great. I don't know how many birds I've missed by simply not taking the time to sit and reflect. No matter what your schedule, you should always try to put aside some time for doing nothing. I highly recommend bird watching to alleviate stress!
I also noticed today that a Junco braved trying to get into the mix...unsuccessfully but he tried none the less. Since the first day they arrived I've hardly seen them, but I guess I'll see more of them as the fall progresses.
Hopefully the blue jays stick around for a while and maybe this year I could attract a grosbeak to my yard. I feel like there's a new bird on the verge of showing up in my yard...don't know why but I do. I guess we'll see and if I'm lucky enough to get a picture!
On a side note: Did you know that a blue jays feathers are not a result of pigmentation but a result of the refracting light & the structure of the feather? If you crush a blue jay feather the blue disappears!
I did notice this morning that a juvenile Harris sparrow was hopping through my yard hoping to score some tasty treats. I was impressed by the fact that the house sparrows didn't run him off. Maybe size does play a factor! I was pleased with myself for identifying him...the size and tail were the two big tip offs.
If there's one things that this horrible year has shown me it's that when you slow down and pay attention to what goes on around you, the rewards are great. I don't know how many birds I've missed by simply not taking the time to sit and reflect. No matter what your schedule, you should always try to put aside some time for doing nothing. I highly recommend bird watching to alleviate stress!
I also noticed today that a Junco braved trying to get into the mix...unsuccessfully but he tried none the less. Since the first day they arrived I've hardly seen them, but I guess I'll see more of them as the fall progresses.
Hopefully the blue jays stick around for a while and maybe this year I could attract a grosbeak to my yard. I feel like there's a new bird on the verge of showing up in my yard...don't know why but I do. I guess we'll see and if I'm lucky enough to get a picture!
On a side note: Did you know that a blue jays feathers are not a result of pigmentation but a result of the refracting light & the structure of the feather? If you crush a blue jay feather the blue disappears!
Monday, October 5, 2009
The blue jays pig out

I don't know that I've ever seen a bird stuff so many peanuts into his mouth at one time...it was hilarious! They took turns and kept coming back again and again.
This was the 2nd trip to the feeder, but he was confused as I'd moved it closer to the door so I could get better pictures, so the poor guy was sooo confused.

On a side note I don't know if I've ever really seen bluejays sport the crest so jauntily before. It looked like a picture out of my field guide!

It took about 30 seconds to find the bird bath full of seed...

The quality of the picture isn't the best but I don't know if I've ever seen him look so textbook...

It took about 30 seconds to find the bird bath full of seed...

The quality of the picture isn't the best but I don't know if I've ever seen him look so textbook...
I love the fact that the 2 most present birds in my yard these days (other than sparrows) are the magpies and bluejays...2 of the noisiest birds I've ever heard. Many people consider them pests but considering that the house sparrows chased off the chickadees again this morning...I'll take any birds that scare off the house sparrows! I think I'll have to put a feeder in the amur maple to help the little fellas out. I really hope I can get them to be a regular visitor this winter.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The Junco's and Chickadees have arrived!!

I say attempting because most of the time the sparrows were chasing them off...I kid you not...I saw a blur of the junco tail skirt dart by followed closely by an angry male house sparrow. I was NOT impressed as this is the second time I've seen them actively chase off another species. I HATE house sparrows, but tolerate them as they are all that winter in my yard. I now wonder if there isn't more to that than met the eye.
The rest of the day was spent getting the yard ready for the snow that is on it's way...I'm predicting snow for Thanksgiving weekend...and last year we got caught off guard and many things (including summer feeders) were left out all winter and got trashed by the -45'C temperatures and winds.
As I worked in the yard I noticed a blur of black and white fly through the yard and noticed that 4 chickadees had landed, then took off again as we were busy in the yard. I hope that doesn't scare them off and they come back to feed. I would love to have them in my yard this winter. In the past I've only ever had 1 that would hang out intermittently over the winter. I want some variety!
It's hilarious though, the second that I came inside the sparrows descended on the yard like a scene out of 'the birds'. Apparently they were pissed that they hadn't been able to feed all afternoon!
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