Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Asks for breakfast

I can't explain how funny bluejays are to me. This morning while sitting with windows open, enjoying this heat wave (13'C) we're having in NOVEMBER I heard the bluejay. Not just you're normal demanding cry, but the all out, very loud, repetitive screech. It went on for about 3 minutes before I decided to my head I thought he almost sounded pissed off.

So off to the back door I go all the while I hear him screeching over and over again. When I got too the back door I see him sitting on top of the feeding station looking directly at the house screeching over and over again. I could see that there were no peanuts left in the feeder, so I grabbed a handful and went outside.

The bluejay flew to the roof of the house and watched me add the peanuts and then once I was safely back inside immediately flew down and started packing them in again. Hilarious! I swear he was yelling at me giving me crap that there were no nuts in the feeder. Such personality!

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