Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The blue Jay vs. the Magpie

Today has been a hilarious waiting line at the feeder. The bluejays have been packing away the peanuts as usual but they're having to battle the magpies. The Jays wait on the sunshade frame while the magpies scarf the nuts.

It hilarious...the jays have a set routine...they sweep in land on the sunshade, hop down, eat nuts. When the Magpies there it interrupt the routine and the Jays seem almost, what do I? He's on my feeder? The odd Jay tries tries to kick the magpie off and scuffles ensue...needless to say the Jay doesn't win. But they puff themselves up and put the crest up and try to act bigger than they are...they really are gorgeous birds.

I put out almost 2 cups of peanuts this morning and I had to go out and add another cup as the feeder was empty. I know they're just hiding them, but they provide so much entertainment for us.

The cats have been attacking the windows whenever the Magpies fly in. Silly cats...those birds are as big as they are and would win in a show down. All in all an entertaining day; I sat outside to get the above picture in the freezing drizzle...Not a bad result but I really think I need to get a better zoom lens.

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