Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The leaves have fallen...

Well the leaves have fallen this past weekend without any major colour shift and the bluejays, woodpeckers and juncos are all still here and pecking.

I can't believe the weather this year...I think we should be awarded medals if the snow really does arrive this weekend as they are predicting. The forecast for the week is rain, rain and more rain so I guess it shall be a wet week in birdville.

As I sat yesterday doing a puzzle with my mom I realized that the birds have become bolder. The bluejays ventured to the platform feeder just outside the door (enabling a great view) the peanuts are going down quick and it looks like I shall have to buy more yet again!

The magpies also showed up and tried to eat the suet out of the woodpecker suet plug feeder...hilarious to see...they couldn't manage to get anything at all. Thank god. I can't have them scaring off the downys too!! Those poor little birds wouldn't have a chance against those bullies!!

I know I'm being greedy but I really keep thinking that I'm going to get a grosbeak in my yard soon...sad I can't just aim for chickadees and nuthatches...rose breasted grosbeaks please! Ah well if you don't aim high you're just settling for what come your way right?

Whatever...this winter feels like it's going to be a killer...I hope to god I'm wrong.

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