Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The blue jays pig out

So today I shall sing the praises of the latest feaster in my yard the Blue Jay. I've heard these guys every day for the last week all though our development, but haven't seen them in my yard other than a brief appearance here and there.
Today I saw them sitting on the roof of my neighbours house across the street and I knew that would mean they were making their way to my yard. So I grabbed my camera and went to the back door and sat and waited, hoping that I would get a few good shots and I feel that I did!
I don't know that I've ever seen a bird stuff so many peanuts into his mouth at one was hilarious! They took turns and kept coming back again and again.

This was the 2nd trip to the feeder, but he was confused as I'd moved it closer to the door so I could get better pictures, so the poor guy was sooo confused.
On a side note I don't know if I've ever really seen bluejays sport the crest so jauntily before. It looked like a picture out of my field guide!

It took about 30 seconds to find the bird bath full of seed...

The quality of the picture isn't the best but I don't know if I've ever seen him look so textbook...
I love the fact that the 2 most present birds in my yard these days (other than sparrows) are the magpies and bluejays...2 of the noisiest birds I've ever heard. Many people consider them pests but considering that the house sparrows chased off the chickadees again this morning...I'll take any birds that scare off the house sparrows! I think I'll have to put a feeder in the amur maple to help the little fellas out. I really hope I can get them to be a regular visitor this winter.

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