I was so disappointed when he went around the corner and I got nothing when all of a sudden what I thought was a common yellowthroat came up and landed on a plant support literally 2 feet away from the window!!

I couldn't believe my luck! So I snapped away taking about 2 dozen different shot before I got a little bit too enthusiastic and scared him off. In my head I figured no biggie, I already have a great yellow throat shot, but hey!
Something had been nagging at me while I took the pictures though...my mantra is treat it like you've never seen it before and get the "good" shot. But something still wasn't quite right.

Upon closer examination of the picture I took I realized right away that it wasn't the CYT...the white eye ring is NOT a trait of that particular breed. So I poured over my birdbook and I had about 3 or 4 different possibilities...but none of them I was 100% about. So I took to my birding sites and posted the picture and awaited the replies.
The Connecticut warbler, pine warbler, Canada warbler, yellow breasted chat were all possible ID's though the group, but again with the fall feathers coming in on all of the birds and the possibility of it being a juvenile just opened the possibilities wide up.

But after much discussion, I think we have a winner! The orange crowned warbler!! I googled images of juvenile orange crowned warblers and what came up looked the closest to this little fella...some of them were dead ringers so that is what I shall go with!
Mystery Solved!
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