Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Migration is never constant

So this morning has proven to be an interesting morning so far. The blue jays have been back steadily all morning scarfing down pnuts left and some cool video. I'm really amazed by just how many nuts they can jam into their mouth at one time...kinda reminds me of a clown car.

I did notice this morning that a juvenile Harris sparrow was hopping through my yard hoping to score some tasty treats. I was impressed by the fact that the house sparrows didn't run him off. Maybe size does play a factor! I was pleased with myself for identifying him...the size and tail were the two big tip offs.

If there's one things that this horrible year has shown me it's that when you slow down and pay attention to what goes on around you, the rewards are great. I don't know how many birds I've missed by simply not taking the time to sit and reflect. No matter what your schedule, you should always try to put aside some time for doing nothing. I highly recommend bird watching to alleviate stress!

I also noticed today that a Junco braved trying to get into the mix...unsuccessfully but he tried none the less. Since the first day they arrived I've hardly seen them, but I guess I'll see more of them as the fall progresses.

Hopefully the blue jays stick around for a while and maybe this year I could attract a grosbeak to my yard. I feel like there's a new bird on the verge of showing up in my yard...don't know why but I do. I guess we'll see and if I'm lucky enough to get a picture!

On a side note: Did you know that a blue jays feathers are not a result of pigmentation but a result of the refracting light & the structure of the feather? If you crush a blue jay feather the blue disappears!

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