Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Birdtastic Morning

Well the morning started off with the usual arrival of the starlings...this time thought they came in a group of six. They are some of the most territorial birds I've ever seen in my life!

I would watch them stalk each other and kick each other off when one would land on a feeder. Very much the case of if I don't want it but you can't have it either. Hilarious!
Shortly there after much to my delight I saw the Bluejay fly in! He startled the other birds away as he usually does but the starlings refused to leave and eyed him with a cautious concern. They weren't quite sure what to make of each other as they're usually there at different times.

Eventually the bluejay flew over to my new feeding station and packed in the peanuts..Yay!

So at that point I was quite pleased that the birds had not all dissipated with the cold snap when much to my surprise my black and white speckled friend flew into the yard and landed on the plug feeder!

The Hairy woodpecker! My morning was complete! I love it when this kind of day happens right from the get go. At a time when the darkness seems to arrive quicker, and that means that I can't watch them during the dinner hour (since the time change), this was a much needed boost! Hopefully this is a sign of things to come!

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