It was one of the best days I've had in a long time. I had no work that needed to be done other than house work, so I decided to practice what I preach, Sit down and enjoy the feature presentation mother nature was giving me.

It was wonderful. The snow was falling steadily and rapidly and the bluejays were determined to get those peanuts. I ended up tossing a handful of them onto the feeding platform right by the back door so I could get another up close and personal experience with them.
The obliged me and spent almost an hour flying right up to the window, grabbing a nut and taking off to the amur to eat the nut. A simple routine, altered only when my cat would throw himself up against the patio door.

The other one just sits and enjoys the show they put on, chattering away, dreaming of what it would be like to take down a bird half it's size.
I think that's one of the things I love about animals...the baser instinct...it's not about logic, it's not about practicality, it's about what they were programmed to do.

I almost don't recognize myself anymore. This past year has been filled with so many life altering changes that not only has the physical me changed, but the internal one as well. I just don't think I know who I am anymore and it's confusing. All of the things that helped define who I am, no longer exist.
I guess it's all about the comfort zone and I've been removed from mine...so I guess I need to figure out what new things define me.
I know one thing...coffee is still my best friend and my baser instinct seems to be telling me to go discuss it with her...
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