Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Snow, Snow, Snow and...wait for it...SNOW!!

Has there ever been a time when it seems that the snow just won't stop coming? That's what it's like around here these days. We're knee deep in our second major storm in what...a week?

Don't get me wrong I love the snow...I'm just itching to get out and I don't particularly care to head out when the reports say it's icy as hell.

It's become a regular ritual to clean off all of the feeders before I do anything else in the morning...the poor fellas...all they want to do is me out of house and home it seems.

I've finished of 2 huge bags of seed since these 2 storms have hit...these birds need to realize I'm on a budget! ;)

These pictures were taken at my favourite dog park. The park has recently seen a surge of caring members and it seems that the bird feeders are never empty when I go. I usually take along a zip lock baggies full of extra seed just in case.

I mostly see chickadees and nuthatches when I go...and let's face it I'm obsessed with getting the perfect shot of these guys...not exactly an easy feat when you have a dozen dogs milling around you...some barking their heads off at me and my camera. (I've learned that there are a few dogs terrified of long lenses).

On the same note though it's not exactly challenging as these guys are so used to canine and human company I wouldn't be surprised if one of these days I could get them to hand feed from me.

Now that's something I long to try...I never have as it would seem that the best birds for it are chickadees and Grey Jays...neither of which I have around here. I love the up close and personal experience you can get with birds.

The only one I've ever had was with a hummingbird...she came withing 8 inches of my face and really wanted me to move away from the feeder (i was sitting next to it filling suet and bark butter feeders). She was stunning and gorgeous...and very squeaky.

These days the house sparrows are all that's managed to stay through these 2 storms, the blue jays have gone so I guess now I'll have to hike in order to see someone different.

If i could only find some out of date ski boots to go with my out of date skis, I could throw my camera in my back back and head into the bush and hopefully see a few grosbeaks!

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