Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Friday, October 8, 2010

There's nothing like a Manitoba sunset

I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's nothing quite as beautiful as a Manitoba sunset. There are gorgeous sunsets all over the world but there's something truly spectacular about the ones here in Manitoba...especially in the fall.

I love how they start off one colour and then shift through a rainbow of colours after that. Red. orange, yellow, pinks & purples ever changing, ever shifting. If you blink you're likely to miss one face of it.

Last night I was out for a stroll (without my camera unfortunately) and the sky looked like it was on fire. How could we not? It's October and we're having daytime highs in the mid twenties.

A year ago today we were preparing for an early winter...thanksgiving felt more like christmas than it ever has before. Friday night we left the in-laws place to discover 2 feet of snow on the car and sheets of ice where the roads used to be.

We got home and I snapped this picture to the left at about 11pm...and the snow kept on coming. It didn't stay of course, it was here just long enough to make the holiday driving a challenge.

I think that's why everyone here is taking full advantage this fall heat wave while we can. I took a 10 km urban hike with my puppy yesterday. It was fantastic. The crunch of leaves underfoot, the smell of fall and the sound of childish laughter...not all of it from me. The parks were packed with strollers and parents sucking in some of the last bits of summer.

The birds are thrown off by it too...this morning I had a Western Meadowlark serenading me over my morning OCTOBER.

The only bad thing that comes from these beautiful days is when the temperatures head back to their normal range...people get so crabby. Crabby people should spend the winter hibernating. I've never understood the intense hatred winter has around here. I mean, I get it. It's cold. Really cold. But you live in Manitoba what do you expect?

When it goes below -30'C grab a book, curl up in front of a fire and make the best of a bad situation. And when that weather last for 3 weeks? Well do what I do...cook dishes from exotic, warm locals and pretend!

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