Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Some days you're the windshield, Some days you're the bug

I don't quite know what's up these days. The birds have all but disappeared from my yard...seems early. The weather is gorgeous dry, warm and couldn't ask for a nicer start to October. So why do I feel like things are not quite right in the universe these days?

All summer I felt like the life's complications and challenges came flying at me I deflected them, absorbed the splats and kept pushing forward. Lately as the colours have changed I've started to feel a little more like the bug each day...not a feeling I want to hold onto.

Could it be that I've become an outdoor activity junky? Running, Hiking, Biking, walking have all become such a standard part of my day...sitting still gives me the figits.

This past weekend I ended up going to our local wetland preserve and hike the outer dike trails...hoping beyond hope that there would be some sort of interesting waterfowl for me to photograph.

Alas it was a bust...with the exception being random handfuls of Geese, Coots and mallards. I could have stayed home and seen that in our development's lake...but then I wouldn't have been able to spend 3.5 hours hiking through back country trails.

That sounds more interesting than it really was basically like hiking through random farmer fields full of holes that must have been home to some small human.

Add to that the dodging of copious piles of horse poop and you have a very foot placement conscious hike...I swear I spent more time looking at where my feet were going than at the marshes.

Not a bad experience though...I can cross it off my list of thing I was to do this summer.

I need a new list!

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