Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Hors Forst Arrives and the birds leave

Well it's official, there's nothing left in my yard. The house sparrows have flown the coop, so it would appear that I'm left with an empty heated bird bath and half eaten feeders.

I don't know what happened and at this point I have to honestly say I don't really care. Money's tough to come by these days with the frantic saving for Christmas so the extra drain from continual seed purchase is nice not to have.

It's funny this has been the first year that christmas seemed to have lost the sparkle for me. It could be the stress, it could be that someone seems to be missing from my life...I don't really know I just know that it doesn't feel right.

I wish I believed in Santa Claus.

Do you remember that time? Everything seemed fresh and exciting, waking up Christmas morning, rushing downstairs to see what Santa had brought? Life was simple and easy, there was no stress, no worry about where the next dollar was coming from. We played.

How many of us take the time to play? I know I don't. I've been obsessed with getting all of the last minute work that came my way done and out of the way so I could enjoy the season.
It was on my way to deliver the last round of santa pictures that I stopped to take these hors frost pictures.

I decided to play.

I had a million other things to do, but my instinct had told me to take my camera with me...the frost was just too beautiful. So i stopped when I felt like it, hit the gravel roads and found beauty the likes of which I hadn't taken the time to enjoy in weeks.

It was the first time I'd felt like me in weeks. it made me realize that THIS was what I was born to do. Be outside, camera in hand, framing what I see as beautiful. The other stuff is fine, it pays the bills, but this is where my passion is. This is when I'm the happiest.
The snows falling again outside...I think that this is the perfect day to focus on the season. I think I hear my coffee calling me.

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