Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Another feeding frenzy

It's ironic that the birds seem to be better weather forecasters than Env. Canada... I looked outside yesterday and was shocked by the amount of sparrows devouring everything in sight. I know this probably meant some storm was moving in and wouldn't you know...all of a sudden it went from 5 clear days to 4 days of snow!

Of course it's changed again...bright and sunny on New years Eve & Day...however the birds are telling me otherwise. I think when I head out today I'll pick up a few things...and play it safe. If i don't have to be out and about in a storm why would I? My drivings not what I'm concerned's all the other idiots that still haven't figured out that texting and driving is moronic.

If I sound harsh, well it's because I am harsh on that particular topic, but in my defense I've almost been hit while out running twice by people too busy texting to see my bright red Santa coloured form against the blinding white snow.

Enough complaining!

I spent this morning browsing through my facebook albums from this year and there's one thing I've noticed (aside from being obsessed with birds)...I've done a hell of a lot of changing this year..and thank god for obsessive picture taking or I probably would have forgotten most of it.

at this time of year we often find ourselves reflecting on the past year and wondering what the new one will bring. I knew I'd done a lot of running & camping, but I'd forgotten last minute road trips and urban hikes!

Urban Hikes are my favourite! We start off from home and then walk...and walk, and walk, and walk! We've explored parts of the city where we live with fresh eyes and take pictures along the way. Have you every really looked at where we live? There's so much to see and so much humor to be found if you only open your eyes to the possibility of it.

Stop. Look. Breathe. Enjoy.

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