I remembered that Cedar Bog trail had, at one point, a series of feeders that could only have been used as winter feeding stations (it would be a bears dream come true in the summer.
We decided to give it a go...I'd also read that the chickadees were fairly tame so I decided to take along some black oil sunflower seed just in case.
Who was I kidding I had every intention of hand feeding them if I could. And hand feed them we did! This was a first for me and I've longed to attempt it with any bird since my up close and personal hummingbird experience this past summer.

They would come withing inches of my face, at times hovering mere inches away as they decided if I was friendly or not. I adored every second of it. There were moment where there would be a battle of 2 or 3 different fellas over who was going to get to land first.
This was something I shall never forget and I don't doubt I'll be going back. Probably alone so I can get all the pictures I want and not have to worry about a puppy's cold paws.
So if you're looking to expand your appreciation of nature; Cedar Bog Trail, Birds hill Park and bring along some seed!
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