Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Season's Change

Well I think that it's very evident that playing catch up just simply will not work. I've just returned from yet another week long camping trip where I managed to catch a glimpse of Baltimore Orioles, A black and White warbler, catbirds, cedar waxwings, downy woodpeckers, eastern King birds,flickers, goldfinches, grackles, Grebes, House finches, hummingbirds, nuthatches, Philadelphia vireo,piping plover,red eyed vireos, rose breasted grosbeak, song sparrows, warbling vireo, a Clark's Grebe, yellow bellied sapsucker, yellow warblers and a variety of misc. sparrows.

So as you can see I have too much to catch up on, so I think today, for this moment in time I shall talk about the weather.

One of the things that I love about living in Winnipeg, Manitoba is that in reality you have to be hearty. The winters here go below -40'C and the summers can soar over +40'C. If we're lucky you get those transitions seasons fondly called spring and summer...but lets face it a true winnipegger is never really surprised to see it go from winter to summer and then back to winter.

This past week started off with god awful +40'C with 99% humidity...last night the over night low was 10'C...and I have to say I'm LOVING it!

I'm one of those terrible people that my friends hate, that not only anticipates the end of summer, but looks forward to it.

There's something wonderful about the arrival of fall. I don't know if it's the smell, the colours or the sweaters. Many accuse me of loving fall because it signals Christmas is around the corner (yes...I'm one of those too), but that's not it.

I really feel that there's something romantic and special about watching the leaves change colour and fall to the earth. I love nothing more than to sit, back against a tree and all know what I'm talking about. That smell that only happens at the start of fall.

The air is crisp & clean, there's a slight chill and that smell that can only mean fall is right around the corner. It feels like home. Maybe because I can't help but flash back to being a kid.

Growing up, fall was eagerly anticipated as it meant one thing...leaf forts. Now I have to admit my sister and I were not your average kids...we made leaf mansions. Our 'forts' had tennis courts and swimming pools (usually more than one).

Why I'm not quite sure, but I always remember it was more fun designing and making them than it was to play in it afterwards...but it was always sad when it came time to see them go.

I guess the reason for the off topic post today is that the black poplars have dropped their seems early even for them. The smell is there and even though I love the fall I feel a little bit sad as I know that migration is right around the corner. Which then shall leave my yard bereft of everything but sparrows and starlings.

But until then i shall try to keep up with all of my sightings...but don't hold your breath.

Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

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