Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The indigo Bunting

This summer I decided to see what else was out there in the world of birding (other than my back yard). I found a webite that listed La Barriere park as having Indigo Buntings, Red Headed woodpeckers and Scarlet Tanagers.

All 3 of these guys became my mission to spot and photograph. Unfortunatly I haven't been able to get out there as much as i would have liked and with the summer quickly dwindling I have a feeling that the Bunting will be the only one I see this year.

I was a wonderful trip...I had no idea how large the park was until I was 3.5 hours into exploring and had seen none of my desired subjects. I was on the verge of giving up when I decided to brave the mosquito infested swamp forrest to get to the edge of the forrest which butted up against farmland (a favourite place of buntings).

Well wouldn't you know it I turn the corner and there they were! About 6 of these beautiful males follicking to their hearts content. Unfortunatly because of my noisy blundering, I scared them back into the forrest which meant I got to stand there, with my camera, being swarmed by mosquitos until they re-emerged.

Eventually they did make their way back out and these pictures were the result. They are by far no where near what I would classify as a great photo, but the fact that i captured proof of my sighting was really all that mattered to me.

I will admit that i had no idea that they were as tiny as they are...I was thinking more tanager size for some reason.

I have since that wonderful June day made my way back to the park sveral times each time I did not see these beauties again. I've heard them though...maybe next time!

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