Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nashville Warbler

I'll prefeace this post by mentionning that this past weekend when cleaning up the yard I decided to put out my oriole feeders again. I'd had them out until the end of July hoping that somehow the orioles would show up...they never did.

I thought that with the rapid approach of fall and henceforth fall migration there might be a few stray somethings that would be interessted in the sweet treats. Well it turns out that I was right! (a birder friend of mine thought i was nuts as there's no way that I'd get orioles or anything else st this time of year here in WPG).

While sitting on the phone yesterday afternoon I happened to catch out of the corner of my eye, what at first glance could appear to be a female goldfinch. It didn't take me long to realize that was NOT what I was dealing with at all.

After much searching and narrowing down I came to the conclusion that there was a brand new visitor to my yard! The NASHVILLE WARBLER!! I think that he's a young one...perhaps a first year. Some of the other pictures show a slight rufous patch on his crown...or maybe he was just dirty ;)

This guys hung out all day (and was back this morning when I awoke). He seemed to be quite taken with the Grape Jelly and the oranges. When I looked it up in my bird books this was not mentioned as his preferred food...I guess you really never know what's going to show up in your yard.

Defy the skeptics!!

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