Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another birdtastic Morning

The birds have decided to let me know that being May 1st spring migration has officially begun.

A flock of White throated sparrows showed up in full force yesterday and have now grown to at least a dozen strong! This is the first time I've had sooooo many in my yard at one time. They're actually bullying the house sparrows!! It's about time someone put them in place.

The greatest thing for me with their arrival though has to be the constant singing. Their song totally reminds me of camping and with the 5 days of rain we're due to have it really does feel like camping to me (we ALWAYS have rain when we camp).

Then this morning I noticed that the White capped sparrow was mixed in with the brood of sparrows pecking away. There only a couple of them but there should be more to follow over the next few days.

At one point I noticed a chipping sparrow, Savannah sparrows & Harris sparrows all mixed in with the house and white throated!

Then the magpie arrived and scared many into the underbrush (I'm so thankful that I don't clean out my gardens until the new growth is well established).

Then the mourning doves joined in the chaos...I just don't know who's going to show up next! I LOVE the rain!

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