Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The American Goldfinch Returns!

This morning while sitting and having my morning coffee and watching the normal battle for the remaining seed (I've been running a little low), I was surprised to see the sparrows on the finch feeders.

Usually they stick to the sunflower feeders, but I guess because the nyger seed has crushed sunflower seed in it they were all for it.

Well after a few minutes this bright yellow fella flew in and tried to get a spot on the feeder. I was so beyond excited that the goldfinches had returned until the evil house sparrows chased her away.

I'm actually not sure that it is a seemed far to brilliant to be female...maybe it's a male coming into his summer plumage? We'll see I guess!

Anyhoo! Immediately after they chased the finch off I went out and moved around my feeders. The station closest to the house and my kitchen table is usually one reserved for Hummingbirds, orioles and know...the pretty and non aggressive birds. As most of them have yet to arrive I had a regular seed feeder there...not anymore!

I hope that this encouraged the finch to return...I know they'll get here eventually, I'm just hoping for sooner rather than later.

The yard has a pretty diverse crowd right now. I still have a handful of White throated sparrows hanging around & the chipping sparrows are increasing in numbers everyday. Song and house sparrows are mixed in together, followed by grackles, red winged black birds, starlings and magpies.

The mourning doves drop in every now and again but seemed to be getting chased off by the grackles. I spread seed out all over the grass this morning to give them a chance but I really think I need to find a regular seed that doesn't have peanuts in it.

That's about it for now...maybe I'll get lucky and be able to fill in some of my previous posts... but I think for now I'm going to head out for a run while the rain has stopped~

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