Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Why is it that one negative comment can erase all of the hard work?

While out for my morning run I experienced an all time low. As I passed by a woman watering her lawn with her small son she apparently felt the need to call out insults about my body and running speed.

Every one's told me that they would have confronted her, but I think that I was just in too much shock. Did I just really hear what I thought I heard? Is someone that looks like _that_ making fun of my new body? My 65lb lighter body? As I'm running? Really?

What is it in women that make them feel that they have to tear down someone else in order to feel better about themselves? Was she just so jealous that I have the motivation to change my life and she's still a bitter shrew?

I'm just as guilty at time I soon as I got home I was ranting to the air about the short shorts she had on that were so far up certain parts of her body they were indecent. Not to mention the multiple chins and belly fat rolls. In some ways that makes me no better than her...but in my defense if you're going to lob a bomb at me be prepared for retaliation.

I'll admit got to me. I was almost in tears. It's one thing to know that there are people out there who don't know me that still look at me as a "fat" person. It's another thing to actually have someone say something so horrid while you're still within hearing distance.

I've worked hard. I've added 4 half marathons to my resume this year for a total of 6...and I've registered for more this fall. I've changed my lifestyle, my eating habits, my body. So why does the one comment from a small minded, bitter shrew who looks the lady trash heap threw up on her get inside my head? (See? I'm no better...)

Is it because no matter how hard you try those insecurities never go away? I know that I'm in better shape than most of my friends. I know that I'm in better shape that 80% of the population these days. I run 5 days a week...hike, bike and kayak every weekend and ALL of my vacations focus around those activities.

So why have I given her that power over me? Could it be as simple as wanting to correct her mis-assumptions? Do I long to put her in her place in front of the people on her street? Or do I feel the need to educate her teeny tiny mind?

So remember people...the next time you see someone out exercising that doesn't look like the cover of a magazine, maybe instead of thinking something nasty, feel happy for them that they're trying to make a difference in their lives. It's the small minded people like the witch at #24 that make it harder than it needs to be.

Thumper said it best. "If you can't say something nice, Don't say nothin' at all".

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