Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Bliss. It's a word that I haven't had many occasions to use up until recently. I find myself feeling constantly blessed for the places I find myself at these days. Pine point Rapids, Caddy lake, La Barriere Park, North Cross Lake...I could go on and on, but I won't. All of these places have allowed me to witness aspects of nature that you don't really get to come across living in the city.

The picture of the blue bird on the left was and impromptu spotting at birdshill park. I'll admit the rush that I felt was like no other. The knowledge that from 50feet away I KNEW it was a bird I had to chase, came from somewhere inside. Now please don't get me wrong. I know that the picture's far from perfect...if only his beak was on the other side of the branch! What I've come to realize is that perfection truly is in the eye of the beholder. The fact that I managed to get anything that was in focus at all was the real victory. That feeling of being allowed the privilege of crossing it's path was one that I will never forget.

Up until this past weekend I never really thought that feeling would exceeded...boy was I wrong. The picture just to the left is one that was taken on south cross lake, just before the tunnel that leads to north cross lake. We'd decided to embark on our most ambitious paddle trip yet...16 km...out and back. Now this doesn't sound like much to seasoned paddlers...I feel that one must also take into account the fact that we have our dog with us on all of our paddles. And let's not forget that this is our first year with kayaks!

I found myself constantly drinking in all of the stunning beauty wondering what could possibly surpass the wonder I was witnessing. Wouldn't you know it...something always did. Stunning views greeted us around every turn each one more breathtaking than the last. The moment we saw a momma black bear and her teeny tiny cub ambling down to the shoreline for a drink scared the crap out of me (we were on our way into shore to stop for lunch...we moved on) but then I realized as they ran up the hill I was seeing something most wouldn't...and probably never will.

Nature yet again was putting on a show and it was all for me...what was she going to present me with next? Why lily pads and watre lilies of course. As I glided though the bobbinh flowers I realized that there was only one word that could describe the experience. Bliss. I was sore, tired, cranky and hungry but what I felt at a most basic level was bliss. I think the next time I think something impossible, I'm going to go right head and do it.

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