Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Nature begins her cleansing process

There's something wonderful about this time of year. Momma nature decides that we're in need of a face lift...or at least a freshen up.

The leaves start their annual pilgrimage to the ground, turning yellow, orange and if you're lucky (or just landscaped with it in mind) a brilliant Red. It's a feast for the eyes and I have to say I look forward to it every year.

I look forward to every season change...a life without seasons is not one I wish to have. Some swear by the constant warm weather...not me. although I will admit that this year had me puzzled. For the first time in my life I'm actually dreading the arrival of the snow.

This is so not me. I'm the person in JULY eagerly anticipating the arrival of the snow. I think I've finally figured it out...this is the first year I've actively been seeking out things to do in the great outdoors. Hiking, biking, running and birding have been very regular parts of my day.

This is the first time I'll actually have things to MISS once the snow falls. I know, I know...what's to say you can't do these things in the snow too? Well nothing...providing the winter's not too harsh...let's face it our winters are not renound for their gentle temperatures.

Find me a person that wants to go exploring in -35'c with extreme windchill dropping it to the-45'c range and I'll show you a snowman... or a Popsicle.

For right now though I'm going to enjoy the season around me. Going for a run and hearing the leaves crunch under my shoe makes me smile.

Running down a path that has checkered sections of leaves and asphalt so cleanly separated it looks like someone swept sections with a broom, makes me smile.

That smell of fall so crisp in the air, makes me breathe deep...and smile.

The sound of thousands of canadian geese taking to the air makes me take cover...and smile as they finally take their never ending pooping machines south.

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