So yesterday I had finally broken down and decided to pick up all of the seed that i was going to need to fill up m feeders. I'd been putting it off and putting off but now that fall migration is here I don't want to miss out on anything.
I was just about to head out to fill the feeders when I had that thought "where did all the birds go?"
The response was automatic...BOP....somewhere close. Well he was closer than I had thought. This baby Sharp Shinned hawk was sitting on my fence above my aster bush.
He was the cutest hawk I'd ever seen...he has almost no legs visible...all fluff and feathers!
Ironically i could hear the chatter of sparrows and I wondered why they weren't silent...personally I thought it would give their position away...and it did. The baby hopped off the fence and into the bush. The scene that followed was almost comical. 100 house sparrows scattered in every direction in a desperate scramble to get away.
The hawk ended up leaving empty handed so it was a good day...if you were a house sparrow!
It's actually a juvenile Cooper's Hawk. Probably a small male. Nice photo, nonetheless.