Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Juncos Return

That's it...the final sign I've been looking for. The starlings have their spots, the house sparrows are decimating every feeding station I own. The Junco's have returned.

Tennesse Warbler

Bluejay love

There's something wonderful about watching bluejays in love...or at least that's how I see it. I spend a good amount of time watching these guys...they're here all the time.

The other day I happened to notice that there were two of them sitting side by side in the maple tree. They were actually feeding each other! One would crack the peanut open and then pull out part of a nut and pass it to the other one.

It was sweet...They just seemed so cozy and cute...I did take a few pictures through the glass, but the site was one to precious to not be enjoyed rather than documented.

The picture to the left was one that I took just as the Magpie came in to check out the peanut didn't disturb them for more than a moment. They then returned to grooming, preening and canoodling for at least another 5 minutes.

I'm obsessed with these guys right now...I'm sure it has something to do with the copious amounts of colour in the yard right now that sets a perfect backdrop for them. Something that was sorely missed last year.

We had a surprise thanksgiving snowfall last year before the leaves could turn red...the leaves just kinda curled up and dropped.

It's just crazy that summers over and Winter's on it's way. Just this past weekend I ran my second 1/2 marathon...I hit a new personal best time. How long before the snow arrives?

Monday, September 27, 2010

A random flyby

Nature begins her cleansing process

There's something wonderful about this time of year. Momma nature decides that we're in need of a face lift...or at least a freshen up.

The leaves start their annual pilgrimage to the ground, turning yellow, orange and if you're lucky (or just landscaped with it in mind) a brilliant Red. It's a feast for the eyes and I have to say I look forward to it every year.

I look forward to every season change...a life without seasons is not one I wish to have. Some swear by the constant warm weather...not me. although I will admit that this year had me puzzled. For the first time in my life I'm actually dreading the arrival of the snow.

This is so not me. I'm the person in JULY eagerly anticipating the arrival of the snow. I think I've finally figured it out...this is the first year I've actively been seeking out things to do in the great outdoors. Hiking, biking, running and birding have been very regular parts of my day.

This is the first time I'll actually have things to MISS once the snow falls. I know, I know...what's to say you can't do these things in the snow too? Well nothing...providing the winter's not too harsh...let's face it our winters are not renound for their gentle temperatures.

Find me a person that wants to go exploring in -35'c with extreme windchill dropping it to the-45'c range and I'll show you a snowman... or a Popsicle.

For right now though I'm going to enjoy the season around me. Going for a run and hearing the leaves crunch under my shoe makes me smile.

Running down a path that has checkered sections of leaves and asphalt so cleanly separated it looks like someone swept sections with a broom, makes me smile.

That smell of fall so crisp in the air, makes me breathe deep...and smile.

The sound of thousands of canadian geese taking to the air makes me take cover...and smile as they finally take their never ending pooping machines south.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Western Kingbird

A new day come what may! A new day had brought a brighter outlook for me and the return in passing of the western kingbird. I've seen up close and personal the Eastern kingbird many times, but this fella has taken to perching on the dead tree just outside of our back fence.

He's a cute one and I'm thrilled to have added him to my life list! I hear the bluejay calling me so I think I must run and enjoy what nature brings me this beautiful morning!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tick Tok

It's coming...I can smell it. There's a bite in the air that clearly signals the arrival of fall. It's been here for a while now...I know they're calling for warmer temperatures next week, but I watch the forecast with a touch of disbelief. I know that snow is on it's way.

Don't get me wrong I'm not, for the first time in my life, wishing the snow would arrive in September. I'm actually hoping that it doesn't show up until December...this way I can keep running outdoors for as long as possible.

The air is heavy feels like a lead weight...or maybe that's the seemingly never ending list of things that have to get done before the snow flies. Usually we try to close up the yard thanksgiving weekend...I guess I'm just tired these days.

I'm tired of people, I'm tired of games, I'm tired of dishonesty, I'm tired of judgment.

I think that's why I love birds as much as I do. This morning I watched about a dozen sparrows the same time. Seriously. It was hysterical.

It's was like being given a glimpse into a world where the it's all broken down to the most basic drive. Survival. They do what they have to...not because they feel like it but because it's what they've been genetically programmed to do.

I had a yellow rumped warbler visit today. The chirp was simple, but drew my attention...I snapped a couple of blurry pictures to see who it was that was chastising me for letting my dog outside.

The warblers are everywhere...literally. While hanging Christmas lights on the house this past weekend we found we had a warbler of some sort stuck in our garage, flying from rafter to rafter desperate for a way out. He found his way out eventually.

Damn even this post sounds boring. I need to get a life. Is this really what my life has come to? Boring chatter about birds that no one in their right mind gives a damn about?


Monday, September 20, 2010

A lonely Harris Sparrow returns

That's it, Falls here.
As I sat having my morning coffee I couldn't help but notice that a lonely Harris sparrow had entered into the melee of House Sparrows decimating my feeding stations. I adore these burly fellas. So distinct, so skittish, so adorable.

For me I know migration is in full swing when they appear; I only get them for about 36-48 hours in fall so I usually try to enjoy them while I can. Speaking of which...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blue Jays return, peanuts disappear

There's something wonderful about the return of the blue jay in fall. I know that they usually hang around most yards all summer but for some reason these fellas don't really show up in my yard until September. Probably in part because they have to fight the grackles for the peanuts.

Anyhoo! I love these brightly feathered fellas...I've never really understood the intense hatred some birders have for certain aggressive species. I posted a few pictures to my birding watching forum only to have a few people post disparaging remarks about blue jays. Really?

Birds are who they are and that's nature isn't it? Survival of the fittest? Admittedly I'm a bit biased...come winter I only have house sparrows and starlings (another 2 species that inspire snarls at the mere mention of their names).

I guess part of me wishes that I could be that biased about what comes to my feeders but to me having anything at all stay the winter is fabulous. Seriously. For the first 5 years I had nothing that would winter here. Our development is relatively new and has very little mature landscaping. It wasn't until I put in a heated bird bath that I suddenly had birds stay through the entire year.

Oh yes...a heated bird bath. These things are wonderful and I highly recommend them to any avid bird watcher. During the bitter cold months birds more use it as a source for drinking water than bathing but then they surprise you on that sunny -30'C day by splashing it up and drying in the sun.

The running joke around here is that they come for the 'hot tub'. They're expensive but are well worth it in my opinion!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Red leaves

I just can't get over how quickly the summer had whizzed by. It's already mid September and the leaves have started their annual pilgrimage to the the time I've blinked it'll be October and the preparations for thanksgiving will be in full swing and I'll be battling the cold to set up my halloween display.

As it is we're already trying to figure out when we need to get outside and hang the Christmas lights on the's not that we wish to turn them on early or anything. I just have this aversion to doing it in the cold. A throw back to having to do it December 1st with my dad growing up. I remember thinking "why didn't we do this when it was warmer?" So now as an adult I insist on not freezing my finger off and doing it before the cold hits.

Lately though the joy the autumn usually brings had been conspicuously absent from my life. I feel a heavy weight settling instead. Maybe it's because I know that at best I only have another month before the population at me feeders dwindles to house sparrows and Starlings. Or maybe it's symptomatic of other my extreme hatred of people. Hermitville here I come.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hummingbirds Kick Ass

I feel a little sad...I have a pretty deep feeling that I've seen the last of my tiny feathered friends. Daylight has started to fade more and more and it won't be too long until dusk is at 4pm...

The picture above is, in my humble opinion, the best Hummer picture I've ever taken in my life. I don't know what it was, but the light was just perfect this day. I took about 300 shots and all of them look great.

It's been a goal of mine to freeze the wings...and I did...and I love it. If you don't...that's cool, just keep it to yourself.

Eastern Bluebirds, Double crested Cormorants, Eastern Towhee, Belted kingfisher, and a variety of Thrushes

I've just recently returned from a week of fall camping. I don't know what it is that I love more about camping once the kiddies are all back in school... The fact that the campgrounds are almost deserted or the cooler temps.

The weather turned out to be a lot cooler that I'd anticipated, but fortunately I'm an over thinker and I had packed plenty of fleeces along with a variety of winter garb.

With the abandoning of the campgrounds by the masses the birds have started to reclaim their territory. As usual the trip provided me with ample opportunities to photograph bird after bird and surprisingly enough i added a few new ones to my life list.

One morning I awoke to find a juvenile Great blue Heron strolling along our site which was right off of the lake...a scruffy gangly fella picking his way through the reeds as the rain fell. If i could only wake up that way everyday...but then it probably wouldn't seem as special.

I also realized that warblers in the fall are almost impossible to identify. They all sport lovely shades of brown and plain and non descript as can be. They should have to be in their mating plumage all year round...just to make it easier.

I just can't get over how lucky I am...I see things that others miss...I wonder why?
What is it that allows me to capture these feathered beauties with my camera? Don't mis-interpret...I'm not saying that I take stunning, mind blowing pictures. I don't. But to me the pictures are special and my fellow birders love them too.

I have to vent a bit though...I'm starting hate the people that discredit my photo just because I finally managed to invest in a decent piece of glass. Just because I have a decent lens doesn't mean that it didn't take a hell of a lot of patience to get that shot.

Please! I managed to get really good pictures of a belted kingfisher! and if you've ever been led on a merry chase by these guys you know how hard it can be. Sorry. I guess I'm just cranky. People seem to suck these days and quite frankly I'm tired of it.

Everyday I fight the desire to move deep into the woods far away from civilization...I just want to take pictures and maybe once in a while post them to a forum to get that ego boost (let's face it we all need our ego's stroked once in a while).

Ah well such as life. my yard is overgrown and must be tended to...thank god the new TV season starts next week and I can catch up on my knitting

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I can hear you...

This morning has been a morning of torturous anticipation. I keep hearing the cry of the blue jay and running to the window to catch a picture but he won't come out of hiding!!

He will make his way to the peanut ring eventually...I hope.

The good piece of news is that the hummingbird has not left yet! While waiting for the blue jay she showed up and took her time feeding. YAY!

A Baby Sharp Shinned Hawk

So yesterday I had finally broken down and decided to pick up all of the seed that i was going to need to fill up m feeders. I'd been putting it off and putting off but now that fall migration is here I don't want to miss out on anything.

I was just about to head out to fill the feeders when I had that thought "where did all the birds go?"

The response was automatic...BOP....somewhere close. Well he was closer than I had thought. This baby Sharp Shinned hawk was sitting on my fence above my aster bush.

He was the cutest hawk I'd ever seen...he has almost no legs visible...all fluff and feathers!

Ironically i could hear the chatter of sparrows and I wondered why they weren't silent...personally I thought it would give their position away...and it did. The baby hopped off the fence and into the bush. The scene that followed was almost comical. 100 house sparrows scattered in every direction in a desperate scramble to get away.

The hawk ended up leaving empty handed so it was a good day...if you were a house sparrow!