Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



There never seems to be enough of it. Late last night my husband and I were sitting up camparing calendars trying to figure out when we could possible get out for one last Kayak trip when we realized what we were facing. A calendar with full weekends for the entire month of October. Ummm...unacceptable.

So we started cutting things...there's something utterly depressing about knowing that you're not going to have a single free moment to do only what the spirit moves you to do. Sunday's are important for not have a free one until November seemed unfathomable...especially since that's right around the time we'll be welcoming our first niece/nephew.

It's alomst like there's a desperate feel to this fall...we simply HAVE to get out for as many excusions as humanly possible before the snow arrives. Between 1/2 marathons, birthday BBQ's and project's going live the time seems to be slipping away from us.

Can it really already be almost the end of September? WTH??? Where did it go? I swear we just returned from our last trip of the year yesterday!

Alas but no. The trailer made it into storage earlier than ever this year. We usually delay it under the guise of maybe, just maybe we'll get out again...then scramble to avoid the dreaded water lines freezing.

We had our first hard frost here in Winnipeg last week...killed my tomato plants...that were covered. Now that's a hard frost. On the upside of that the tree's are starting to turn an amazing shade of red...this is going to be one amazingly colourful fall...and I want to see it up close and personal.

I don't want to be sitting here wishing I'd gotten out more, lamenting the loss of pretty red leaved pictures. Lets face it, with the weather we've had this year we could have winter hit fierce and hard in October or it may not snow until December. I'm not willing to take the chance.

Now don't take me wrong...i know that life doesn't end with the fact we've decided that this fall we're going to bite the bullet and buy cross country skis for the both of us...after all if you can hike it you can ski it...for the most part.

My kayak's calling me...she wants one last spin around that homey lake called St. Malo and I'll be damned if I'm going to let her down. I think it's time to practice the words I preach.

Stop. Look. Breathe. Enjoy.

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