Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


What is it that signals the arrival of spring? I'm sitting here at my kitchen table, reveling in the beautiful day we're having and I've realized something. I think for me it's sounds.

Winter's quiet. It's beautiful, but the snow doesn't make a sound. The birds are gone and the windows and doors remain closed against the bitter cold. Winter's cozy, full of sweaters and books by the fire and afghans.

Spring is like the entire planet is coming alive again after it's deep slumber and the sounds she makes as she comes awake make me feel alive and happy.

Don't get me wrong... I love the melting of the snow, the arrival of each new bird, crocus' poking out of the ground, the first warm day. If I'm honest though it's never felt more like spring than it does right now.

I'm listening to the incessant chitter of the juncos, the ever present din of traffic with the intermittent shriek of the ring billed gull. The windows and doors are open sans screens as there's not a bug in sight yet. The grackles are EVERYWHERE and every now and again I hear the distinctive cry of the Meadowlark.

Not only does it feel and look like spring it sounds like it. Even on a rainy day it sounds like spring. The sun's hiding? No worries it still sounds like spring. Maybe it has to do with the sounds of spring reminding me of summer and I know that no matter what happens it _is_ on it's way.

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