Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


To think that a week ago I was begging for more variety. Anything but House sparrows I whined...and then the deluge began. In the last few days I've added several birds to my life list and achieved some of the best portfolio shots I've ever taken!

Pied-billed Grebe, Buffleheads, House Finches, Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers, Purple finches, Brown Creeper, Northern Shovelers, Canvasbacks, Mallards, Ruddy Ducks,Coots, Scaups, American Kestrals, Western Meadowlarks & Thrushes are just a few of the newcomers around here that have been willing and unwilling subjects of mine.

I literally can not keep up with the editing.

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