Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Family of Yellow-Rumped Warblers, A yellow bellied Sapsucker and The elusive Flicker!

What a bird tastic kinda day! It started out really rough...I finally had to make peace with the fact that my dream of buying the lens of my dreams (canon 100-400 L series) was not going to come true unless I waited another year. So I headed out to my local camera shop to see what they might have that could come close to it but stay with in my budget. I have a prospect on the horizon that I shall hopefully be purchasing with my tax refund!

But enough about that! I decided that I wanted to get out and see if I could get a few pictures of the birds that I've been seeing on my morning runs. As of late there was the flicker, house finch, purple finches and a yellow bellied sapsucker.

I started off in the park that's in the middle of my development and what did I happen across but a family of yellow rumped warblers! There were 3 males and 3 females flitting from tree to tree!

I couldn't get over how close they actually let me get...if only I already had my zoom lens!
Such pretty sounding fellas! I didn't manage to get any good ones of the female...hopefully soon!
I almost missed this fella! I had already passed his tree when I heard him shimmy further up the tree. I know that sounds weird, but I heard the distinctive 'shushing' of something climbing. I turned and looked up and found my little yellow bellied Sap-sucker!
I couldn't get an unobstructed view of him but I'm still pleased how they turned out!
The above picture is of the yellow shafted northern flicker that I had in my front yard last week... I spotted him underneath an evergreen tree today and stalked him all the way down the street. I didn't end up with very good pictures but I blame a large part of that on the loud barreling truck that drove by just seconds before I would have gotten the shot of a lifetime...ah well such is the nature of bird photography!
I'm not really sure what the picture above is of...I spotted him with a female flicker...I can't help but think it may be a juvenile flicker?
All in all not a bad bird day!

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