Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Finally a chickadee arrived!

These last few months have proved to be longer and colder than I thought they would be. Not so much temperature wise but bird wise.

I still have the house sparrows devouring everything in sight and as the winter drawing to a close I've stopped putting out seed more than once a week and I've found that they are cleaning up the yard quite nicely.

However since I haven't been keeping it well stocked they wait until late in the afternoon until showing up. So imagine my surprise when I looked out my back door and saw a chickadee on my homemade sunflower seed feeder! I guess since the sparrows weren't in the yard the little fella decided it was safe to enter and get some chow!

A great feeling since I realized that no matter how hard I tried I would not have the diverse range through January and February that so many of my southern friends seem to. Truthfully I haven't minded not spending every penny I have on various bird treats...kinda nice.

That may seem mean, but they are just house sparrows....I've been putting out popcorn and leftover stale baked goods and surprisingly they're not in high demand right now. The seed cylinders have been very popular these last few months...they devour them so quickly!

All in all not a lot to report in the yard. There's been a ton of activity at our dog park with chickadees and nuthatches so I've got my fix there as of late. I can hardly wait for my orioles to return!

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