Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer's here

Wow. I guess I've been slightly remiss in my blog postings...but in my defence I started a 365 project and between that and camping and birding there just doesn't seem to be time to sit down on the computer. I'd rather be outside...for the most part.

Most of the country seem to be caught up in an insane heat wave...we had it here for a week and it took everything I had no to lose it and start wailing like a child that "it's not fair". It's far more tolerable now but I found it unsettling that I, 'Ms. Optimism" wanted to complain about the weather to everyone around me. What was worse though were the sniveling comments I would get about how at least it was better than snow.

Really? Now I have to remind myself that these comments were made by people that live indoors, play indoors, sleep indoors...basically they don't ever go outside. So I guess in some twisted way it was more pleasant...for them. Me on the other hand I need to be outside. Running, hiking, biking, birding, Kayaking, skiing are all things I love to do and +47'C is too hot to any of it...especially the skiing.

A Friend of mine pointed out that that's what Winnipeggers do...they B*@$h about the weather. It made me wonder where do I fit in? Am I a chronic complainer? Or am I as upbeat as I'd like to think I am? My conclusion?

I just don't like extremes. -40'C does +45'C...anything that prevents me from playing outside I don't like. The upside of the -40'C is that I can hit a hiking trail in the woods and start shedding layers almost wind = no windchill. +45'C means I'm stuck indoors so my heat/sun stroke doesn't rear it's ugly head again.

All in all though if all I can complain about in life is that the weather's less than Ideal for outdoor play I guess I'm pretty damn lucky.